Monday, August 15, 2022

Finally Got to Ride With a Fan

 One of the interesting things about commuting by bicycle is you become familiar with the other cyclists, pedestrians, and sometimes even the car drivers who share your route.  Over the past few years I'd get waved at by a guy & a young child in a minivan.  When they finally stopped at a red light the same time/place as me, we chatted.

At some point the kid convinced her dad to try and bike her to day care!  And he did a couple times a week in one of those Burley cart type of trailers.  Anyway, they mentioned this to me & apparently she really wanted to ride with me some time.

I kept trying do so, but you know that entails getting out of the house fifteen minutes early.  What are the chances of that happening?

Then I found out she was finishing up pre-school.  Next year she's going to kindergarten and I won't see them!

So, her dad & I exchanged phone numbers and we made it happen. I got out of the house early and got to ride with them.  How fun is that?!  

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