Monday, April 20, 2020

Everyone's Lost Season

Compared to so many I have so little to complain about.  So far my family is all healthy.  My wife and I still have our jobs and we're as busy as ever.  Having thrown out that important provisio I'd like to just whine a little bit about my lost cycling season.

The Midnight Marathon Ride was canceled.  So was the CRW's Spring Century.  And it's just made me sad.  I doubt that any large events will happen this summer and will it be wise to participate.

Who was that masked man?

I've been getting out and riding before work and on the weekends -- keeping as much distance between me & other people as possible.  I've also been covering my face.  At least that will reduce any droplets/aerosols coming off me in case I'm infected & asymptomatic.  I wash my face covering after every use.  And I've got a few to rotate through.  Still, they get kind of gross.

This weekend I rode a bit out to Sudbury where I saw a nice looking marsh along Water Row.  I also saw a couple snow people -- left over from what I hope is the last substantial snowfall for the year that we got on Friday.

Spring in eastern Massachusetts!

Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman.

I also got to help another cyclist who had a puncture but no repair kit.  I carry a mini pump and glueless patches so I can help other people even if they've got different type tubes.  We kept our distance and I haven't touched my tool kit since then!  We were both wearing face coverings, so the whole thing had its surreal/funny side.

Anyway, thanks for letting me complain about my petty little problems.  Hope we get through this soon and anyone reading this is well.