Sunday, March 22, 2020

40 Mile Pandemic Ride

Sunny 48F, some wind.  This started out as a short spin, but my wife texted me saying she was going out for a walk with the kids and that I should "enjoy the ride".  So, I did.

One mistake was hitting the MCRT rail trail in Weston.  Too many people for fun cycling and too many people to be around during a pandemic.  I'll stick the roads from here on out.  Elsewhere on the road I did run into a couple friends.  Nice to chat with them while maintaining a respectful distance.  

Workout wise, this was my longest ride for quite some time and I felt it!  It was on my touring bike with panniers.  I'm keeping the road bike with the stationary trainer tire on it for a while yet. Also, I think I'll carry more water with me so I don't have to stop in any stores next time around.

I did see an older flinty looking guy rebuilding the stone wall on his property.  It's a New England moment, ladies and gentlemen!  I didn't take a photo of it.  I thought I'd regret that choice, and I was correct!

The water fountains were turned off too.
I saw lots of people out and about -- running, walking, and bicycling.  Aside from the rail trail, most everyone was keeping their distance.

Be safe out there, people.

It was just windy & chilly enough to leave the helmet cover on.